Equipments Details
The purpose of this document is to describe the distribution and testing stations of the Festo MPS, which you will model on this course using SysML after getting some hands‐on training with this equipment. Festo is a leading company in the automation industry, especially in the area of mechatronics. Its line of didactic products, is extensively used in industrial vocational training, research and teaching around the world. MPS is a lab‐scale production line simulating the functions that may be identified in a factory such as distribution, testing, processing, handling, assembly, and separation.
Siemens’ family of SIMATIC S7 PLCs are considered to be the most widely used PLCs in the industry. The PLCs in Figure 2 are of type S7‐314, and can be extended with IO terminal modules that enable the PLC to be connected to sensors and actuators. The following figure shows the PLC on the distribution station equipped with 3 Digital input/output (DIDO) modules, each with 8 inputs and outputs connection.
Siemens’ family of SIMATIC S7 PLCs are considered to be the most widely used PLCs in the industry. The PLCs in Figure 2 are of type S7‐314, and can be extended with IO terminal modules that enable the PLC to be connected to sensors and actuators. The following figure shows the PLC on the distribution station equipped with 3 Digital input/output (DIDO) modules, each with 8 inputs and outputs connection.
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