12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Christopher Sudhaker with the persons below:
Binil V
- Department of Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Avinash Shetty
- Department of Community Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal - Medical Superintendent & Professor
Person: Academic
Elsa Sanatombi Devi
Person: Academic
Janet Prameela D' Souza
- Department of Medical Surgery, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal - Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Person: Academic
Melita Sheilini
- Department of Medical Surgery, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal - Assistant Professor - Selection Grade
Person: Academic
Charlet Jasmine Vaz
- Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Janet Alva
- Department of Medical Surgery, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Shalini Ganesh Nayak
- Department of Medical Surgery, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal - Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Person: Academic
Linu Sara George
- Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal - Professor & Head
Person: Academic