Analysis of a Theoretical KMS Model Implementation in the Indian IT Sector Using PLS-SEM

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5 Citations (Scopus)


The software industry being highly resource-oriented tries to ensure that knowledge residing in the minds of the employees is effectively utilised for leveraging core business competencies. Therefore, providing effective knowledge management systems (KMSs) to utilise this knowledge for optimising business processes has become crucial for enterprises to stay competitive. This paper attempts to assess the effectiveness of KMS implementations from a knowledge workers' perspective via six dimensions of the Jennex and Olfman (J&O) KMS success model. Quantitative data was collected through a web-based survey questionnaire from knowledge workers in 25 Indian software companies. Statistical analysis of the study's model was conducted using SmartPLSff(version 2.0.M3) software for assessment of both measurement and structural models. The empirical analysis of the model's hypotheses indicated that a knowledge worker's intent to use a KMS is significantly dependent on Service and Knowledge/Information Quality dimensions of J&O KMS success model. This paper implies that the J&O KMS success model seems to have adequate predictive power for most implied variables with the exception of System Quality. The J&O KMS success model from a practical point of view offers a means for organisations to evaluate and predict the effectiveness of KMS implementations. The results produced in this study may allow KM practitioners to know more about the levers that help to improve their KMS and thus suitably prioritise their investment plans accordingly.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1750001
JournalJournal of Information and Knowledge Management
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 01-03-2017

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Computer Science Applications
  • Computer Networks and Communications
  • Library and Information Sciences


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