Comparative evaluation of sealing ability, penetration and adaptation of a self etching pit and fissure sealant- stereomicroscopic and scanning electron microscopic analyses

Dhruv Garg, Karuna Mahabala*, Amita Lewis, Srikant Natarajan, Anupama Nayak, Ashwin Rao

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9 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The efficacy of pit and fissure sealants in preventing occlusal caries is a well-established fact. Considering the difficulty in achieving strict isolation for a longer duration while treating the pediatric patients, a simplified procedure of sealant application is desirable. While, a self-etching sealant, Prevent Seal offers a quick procedure, the physical properties of this material haven't been studied yet. Thus, this study was aimed to comparatively evaluate sealing ability, penetration and adaptation of a self-etching pit and fissure sealant and a conventional resin sealant. Material and Methods: This was an in vitro intergroup comparative study, which consisted of 2 groups- Group I (Conventional acid etch sealant, Clinpro) and Group II (Self etching sealant, Prevent Seal). Out of 32 selected teeth 16 were used to study microleakage, with the help of dye penetration test using övrebö and Raadal criteria. Remaining 16 were used to evaluate sealant penetration and adaptation viz bubbles in the bottom of fissure, debris in the fissure, tags in the bottom of the fissure and tags at cuspal slopes and fissure entrance was done using stereomicroscope. Post stereomicroscopic evaluation 4 samples each were randomly chosen from both the groups and checked for etching pattern using Scanning electronic microscope. Results: The comparison of tested properties between the groups was done using Chi square test. There was no statistically significant difference observed when microleakage and sealant penetration / adaptation properties were compared between two groups (p=0.63 and p= 0.131, 0.131, 0.302, 0.106 respectively). No conclusive results could be withdrawn while etching patterns were compared between the groups (p=0.717). Conclusions: The self-etching sealant Prevent seal was found to have similar microleakage, sealant penetration and adaptation properties as conventional acid etch sealant.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e547-e552
JournalJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 01-06-2019

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Dentistry


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