Effect of carbon-Kevlar intraply surface layers on the mechanical and vibrational properties of basalt reinforced polymer composites

Priyansh Agarwal, Aditya Singh Bundela, Prateek Choudhary, Yogeesha Pai*, Deepthi G. Pai

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Hybridization of basalt fibers with carbon and aramid fibers enhances the mechanical properties such as toughness, impact resistance, and strength, widening their applicability across various industries. This study investigates the effect of carbon-Kevlar intraply surface layers on the mechanical and vibrational properties of basalt/epoxy composites. Three layers of basalt sandwiched between surface intraply layers were fabricated using a compression molding process. The specimens were subjected to tensile, flexural, and Charpy impact tests to measure their mechanical properties. Impact hammer and sound transmission loss tests were conducted to determine the vibrational characteristics of the composites. The acquired results were examined and compared with those of composite specimens made entirely of basalt. Results showed that tensile and flexural strengths were improved by 27.40% and 30.87% compared to basalt laminates. The highest impact strength of 136.25 kJ/m2 was observed in hybrid laminates, which is 24.4% higher than that of basalt composites, indicating improved impact toughness due to the addition of surface intraply layers. The damping ratio and stiffness coefficient of the hybrid composite are observed to be 0.215 and 1.868 N/m, respectively. The sound transmission loss was found to be enhanced by 54.71% in the hybrid specimens compared with basalt specimens. The tensile and impact-fractured specimens were analyzed for failure modes using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Brittle failure was observed in basalt composites without significant plastic deformation, whereas hybrid specimens exhibited fiber pull-out, matrix deformation, and fiber bridging, indicative of heightened toughness and enhanced energy absorption capabilities.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2403704
JournalCogent Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Computer Science
  • General Chemical Engineering
  • General Engineering


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