Importance of population-based studies in clinical practice

George Ronnie, Ramesh Ve, Lokapavani Velumuri, Rashima Asokan, Lingam Vijaya*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Citations (Scopus)


In the last decade, there have been reports on the prevalence of glaucoma from the Vellore Eye Survey, Andhra Pradesh Eye Diseases Survey, Aravind Comprehensive Eye Survey, Chennai Glaucoma Study and West Bengal Glaucoma Study. Population-based studies provide important information regarding the prevalence and risk factors for glaucoma. They also highlight regional differences in the prevalence of various types of glaucoma. It is possible to gather important insights regarding the number of persons affected with glaucoma and the proportion with undiagnosed disease. We reviewed the different population-based studies from India and compare their findings. The lacunae in ophthalmic care that can be inferred from these studies are identified and possible reasons and solutions are discussed. We also discuss the clinical relevance of the various findings, and how it reflects on clinical practice in the country. Since India has a significantly high disease burden, we examine the possibility of population-based screening for disease in the Indian context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S11-S18
JournalIndian Journal of Ophthalmology
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
Publication statusPublished - 01-01-2011

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Ophthalmology


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