Mooring forces in horizontal interlaced moored floating pipe breakwater with three layers

Arkal Vittal Hegde*, Kiran Kamath, J. C. Deepak

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The paper presents the results from model scale experiments on the study of forces in the moorings of horizontally interlaced, multi-layered, moored floating pipe breakwaters. The studies are conducted with breakwater models having three layers subjected to waves of steepness Hi/L (Hi is the incident wave height and L the wavelength) varying from 0.0066 to 0.0464, relative width W/L (W is the width of breakwater) varying from 0.4 to 2.65, and relative spacing S/D (S is the spacing of pipes and D the diameter of pipe) of 2 and 4. The variation of measured normalized mooring forces on the seaward side and leeward side are analyzed by plotting non-dimensional graphs depicting f/γW2 (f is the force in the mooring per unit length of the breakwater, γ the weight density of sea water) as a function W/L for various values of Hi/d (d is the depth of water). It is found that the force in the seaward side mooring increases with an increase in Hi/L for d/W values ranging between 0.081 and 0.276. The experimental results also reveal that the forces in the seaward side mooring decrease as W/L increases, up to a value of W/L=1.3, and then increases with an increase in W/L. It is also observed that the wave attenuation characteristics of breakwater model with relative spacing of 4 is better than that of the model with relative spacing of 2. The maximum force in the seaward side mooring for model with S/D=4 is lower compared to that for the breakwater model with S/D=2. A multivariate non-linear regression analysis has been carried out for the data on mooring forces for the seaside and leeside.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-173
Number of pages9
JournalOcean Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 01-01-2008

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Ocean Engineering


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